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The Myth and Facts of Calcium



Taking calcium? Still suffer from calcium deficiency? Cases of osteoporosis & fractures are still increasing! Osteoporosis can strike at any age and affects both men and women. Do you know if your calcium supplements are safe and effective?

We all know that calcium is a key element for strong bones and teeth, but in order for our bodies to properly use calcium we need other elements including vitamin D3, magnesium and vitamin K2.

Let us tell you about the myth and facts of calcium.

Did you know that...

Calcium deficiency is responsible for approximately 150 different degenerative diseases and conditions? For example:


  • osteoporosis
  • fractures
  • ricket
  • bone spurs
  • arthritis
  • high blood pressure
  • increased cholesterol levels
  • cancer
  • eczema
  • muscle cramp
  • kidney stones
  • asthma
  • headaches
  • insomnia
  • acid reflux


Why do you need calcium supplements?


  • Strengthens bone & teeth
  • Helps relieve joint pain
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Supports cellular health


Do you need Calcium supplement? Who needs extra calcium instake?


  • Elderly: osteoporosis often goes undetected until a fracture occurs. osteoporosis causes 80% of all fractures in people above 50, fractures are not only expensive to treat but can also be fatal
  • Women going through menopause: women begin to lose bone mass in their mid-30s and bone loss occurs from 2-3% per year as women approach menopause
  • Children & teenager: bone mass peak around 16-20 for women and 20-25 for men. building strong bones during childhood and adolescence is important for building strong bones and prevention of osteoporosis
  • Pregnant & nursing women
  • Athletes
  • People in weight loss program
  • People who easily experience muscle spasm
  • People with poor sleeping quality


What should you look for in a calcium supplement? Did you know that supplementing calcium by itself can be potentially dangerous? Stay tuned for our next post to find out.

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