
Live beneficial bacteria take up residence in our body from the day we are born.
The trillions of microflora that can be found in the human gastrointestinal tract play an essential role in supporting and maintaining strong immune and digestive systems, so having the optimum balance of these beneficial bacteria is important. A number of factors can compromise this balance, including antibiotic therapy, infection, stress, travel or a period of unhealthy nutrition or lifestyle. An effective solution is to supplement the microflora by taking a multi-strain probiotic supplement to restore the balance.

Probiotics are live, beneficial microorganisms that can positively affect your digestive and immune system by maintaining the balance of good bacteria throughout your digestive tract.
Bio-Kult is a scientifically developed, naturally powerful, 14 strain probiotic that supports your body’s natural defences by maintaining your gut’s beneficial bacteria. It does not need to be refrigerated.

Bio-Kult has been named best supplement and herbal product by readers of Natural Pharmacy Business magazine for the second year running! Natural Pharmacy Business is the UK’s leading natural pharmacy trade magazine, dedicated to growing pharmacists' knowledge of natural products. The awards give pharmacists the chance to vote for their favourite brands that make a real difference to the lives of their customers.

Bio-Kult Infantis has been named Best New Product by readers of True Health magazine.