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Combantrin - 125 mg

Combantrin - 125 mg -
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Combantrin is Australia’s leading worm treatment and treats pinworms / threadworms in a single dose. These anti-worm products will only treat the adult worms currently residing in the intestines. They will not treat the eggs or immature worms. This is why it is important to treat the whole family at the same time and to check roughly two weeks after the initial dose in case a second dose of treatment is required. This is because existing threadworm eggs in your environment can cause a reinfection and treatment will not prevent your children from contracting threadworm again if they ingest more eggs.

Other infections: Roundworm and hookworm infections can be treated with Combantrin adult strength tablets but you should seek medical advice before beginning treatment if you suspect that you have either of these worm infections because they are often difficult to diagnose.

If you have any questions, Kindly complete the provided contact form, and a member of our clinical team will contact you within one business day.

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